Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bye Dad!

My dad just left. It was good to see him and hang out for a couple days, but he was annoying me in some ways. He always has to talk himself up, telling my Aunt how he predicted that Euro wasn't going to work, or how he is the only Otte that is good at math. I know he must do this out of insecurity, but at his age, it is time to be comfortable with yourself, though I'm sure he would tell you he is totally comfortable with himself. Had a funny conversation with him about my psychiatry appointments, as he asked me why I was going every week, I told him about what happened with Kim and he just kind of looked at me puzzled, I told him everyone was just telling me to get over it and he agreed, then said, "I'm sure that is what the psychiatrist is telling you." I had to explain to him, that isn't really what psychiatrists do, they listen to you and try to help you. He is great at relating by telling stories about girls that won't talk to him, which he did, but he wasn't too into looking into why something like that would bother me when I told him nothing like this had never happened to me before. Then he talks about kids being messed up because of their parents and I'm just thinking like...does he even know he wasn't around for most of my childhood? I don't think it computes.

My cousin Luzanne, on my dad's side brought up Mike today when we were around, although they never even mentioned his name. They were saying that my aunt and uncle on my mom's side were buying a brick at their church for my mom and family and that they were going to put Jenny and Roger and Michael and Christopher, then my aunt mentioned that she didn't remember my step dad's name but just thought they still count Roger as Jenny's husband and that Mike (or whatever his name was according to my aunt) didn't count. Holy shit. My mom would be rolling in her grave if she wasn't cremated. First of all, she was married to Mike for much longer than she was married to my dad and secondly, she hated my dad, by the time she died they had made amends, but they still were not close at all. Well, I just said said something like, "Nobody will complain about that," and everybody laughed. Yeah, my whole family hates him, the only person to complain would have been my mom, which I think is important to remember, but I didn't want to say that around my dad, he would have been hurt by that.

Also we saw Jennifer Garner on Thursday, the paparazzi were all around trying to take pictures of her. I explained the situation to my dad because he couldn't tell they were paparazzi, then he preceded to ask me why so many guys were following her, explaining she was "a nobody", but he still peeked into the restaurant she ducked into to try and catch a glimpse. I felt like I was rolling my eyes a lot this weekend. It will be better when I go home and we are just hanging around with my brother.

So I got the job, finally, on Friday. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to be training the next couple weeks and the girl I am replacing will be gone in the new year. I'm going to pay off my car, my car insurance, get a new laptop and a new screen for my phone, save up a bit, and then it will be time to move out. I figure all this might take three or four months, but I think my aunt and uncle will be cool with that, I think they are happy that it took a relatively short amount of time for me to find work and that I got the first job I came close on.

I will be traveling to the film festivals, which will be awesome and the first time I'll have gone anywhere other than Danville in a while. I'll also be learning a lot about how to distribute a movie, since they haven't found distribution yet and the movie is just getting finished. Then he will be working on a new screenplay, which I will get to help develop and then I will hopefully get to have some hand in the production of his next film. It should be a really good learning experience for me. Hopefully I can get some pretty long term employment and come out of this with a good idea of where I fit in the whole operation.

I will be alone in the office a lot during the day, which I like because it means that when I am off I can focus on being social and seeing the people that I want to see. The office is in Santa Monica, so I'll have a big choice of whether to move across town or to stay on the Westside. I think I'll probably end up back in Silverlake or Los Feliz, even though the drive is a bitch.


Right now I am in Starbucks in the Palisades waiting to go out in Hermosa. I'm ready to have some fun tonight and celebrate my victory. I may call up Hanna because she is staying in Hermosa right now. Basically just hanging here until I hear from Stefan or Kevin, who are both going out tonight. I was thinking about going to the other side of town, but didn't hear from anyone in time.


Just heard from my buddy Charlie on facebook, he is from England and is going to be visiting in the month of February. That is going to be a crazy month. He wants to go on trips to SB and Vegas. Jace and I went with him to Vegas three or four years ago and it was a hell of a time and this was before "The Hangover" made crazy times in Vegas a cliche, although I guess it was already a cliche. I lost like a hundred bucks gambling drunk, but it was worth it. Haven't spoken with him much since last time he was here, but he broke up with his girlfriend and he always did well with the American girls, I'm sure he is ready for a comeback.


Okay, Kevin told me he's hanging out, I'm gonna stop wasting my time and start celebrating!

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