Friday, November 11, 2011

Super Productive Sleep

I didn't get to bed until about 2am last night. After Silverlake Coffee, I went and ate a chili cheeseburger. If you ever go to to Tommy's, ask for extra chili on your burger (which is free) then spoon it off onto your fries, works like a charm, especially if you're cool with getting a lot of chili on your hands. After that I went to meet my friend Kristin out in Eagle Rock, even though she lives in Hollywood, she commutes out there to do her laundry. I thought it was weird, but then again, it was weird that I was going to hang out at a laundromat, so I couldn't really pass judgement.

Then I went to Jace's, watched some Wonder Years, which I haven't seen in ages and went to Mach improv. I hung out afterward and chatted it up with people, which I usually don't do, it felt good to get out and speak words from my mouth. My show went alright, I feel like I made some strong choices that weren't necessarily reciprocated or my scene got wiped (someone ended it) right after a big laugh once I stepped out.

A lot of people there were sick with colds. It is amazing how infrequently I get colds or the flu. I came down with the flu really bad in 2002 and since, have been pretty much immune. I was talking about this with an improvisor, Mark Rennie, last night and he said, "So you're like an iron man, you don't get sick." I replied with a "Hardly," and told him about Crohn's Disease. I definitely feel more of stigma about my mental illness, and even though I've been dealing with that more recently, I didn't bring it up. Crohn's Disease people understand, they can look at me and say, well you seem to be doing alright, regardless. Mental illness throws people off more, I assume because you start to question what I'm thinking or if I'm being truthful in what I'm saying. It would be a rare occasion for someone to ask me how I'm doing and for me to say, "I feel like shit today," even though sometimes that is how I feel. I'm pretty sure everyone does that though, not just people with bipolar. To be honest, I don't even know that it's true, that it throws people off more, most people I've told are dealing with or know someone dealing with a similar problem. I guess I feel weird about telling people I have the potential of working with, which is most of my peer group in LA because I want to be viewed as stable.


I first woke up at about nine today with a call from some credit union or something, to be honest I don't really remember, I was tired, about setting up an interview for this coming Tuesday, which I did. At ten thirty I went downstairs and realized no one was home, so I ate a breakfast bar and balance bar and came back and went to sleep 'til noon. Then I checked my email and saw another offer for an interview from a talent agency, also on Tuesday. I'd already got more done this morning than any day this week and all I'd done so far was eat and sleep!

The left over coffee was weak today, news was pretty boring. There was one article that claimed to explain the science behind Rick Perry's gaff. I'm sorry, if you are suggesting to cut a whole agency of government, you need to be able to remember the name of it off the top of your head. I saw today that Herman Cain is on top of the polls and Gingrich is rising, I guess the more you come off like a bitter asshole, the more you cred you pull in the Republican party. I'm loving this new term they are throwing around for the politicians replacing Burlusconi and the guy in Greece, "technocrats"...aka people that know what the hell their doing.


I'm trying to get motivated to stretch and go for a a run, but I don't know that it's happening today, I definitely need to eat some real food first. I know they say inactivity can make you feel down, but I am feeling pretty good right now. Being lazy is maybe my favorite pastime, I rarely feel guilty about it, unless I know by not doing anything I'm letting someone down. I'm going to hang out with Stefan later this afternoon, so maybe we can do some sort of physical activity, probably not, we will probably eat fish tacos and drink a couple beers.

Oh and I forgot another great breakup song from that Ben Folds Five album last night, Fair - "He shouted out his last words and he stumbled through the yard. She shattered her last china plate and spun off in a car." and "Am I right? I'm lonely and I'm right."

K, well guess I should go do something, since it is now 2pm. SWEATPANTS OFF!

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