Sunday, November 13, 2011

Political Diatribe #1

I slept for 12 hours last night, didn't wake up at all until 10:30am this morning. When I went upstairs my aunt and uncle were talking politics at the breakfast table. First, they were complaining that this country is socialist and that the government is deciding which companies succeed. This is so far off from the truth. I hate the hyperbole that makes it impossible to even have a discussion about the merits of liberalism. I just sit there and listen.

The basis of the idea is that companies right now can not expand because of what Washington is doing, essentially propping up certain businesses and not others. (Even though businesses are sitting on a trillion dollars) I can sort of get behind that, but this was all spawned from the fact that they are putting up solar panels at the Vet's Memorial Park, where my uncle thinks there should be a park for public use. OK, but what is so wrong about solar panels? Even if they are at a park? I'd like to see solar panels in every public space. It's the same logic that goes into why we don't have wind farms out in the ocean and hydro electric on the beaches, they are an eyesore. Are they, in comparison to smog and superstorms and fire or even oil wells?

So they're mad that the government subsidizes solar. Alright, I can agree with them on that, we can get rid of subsidies for solar when you get rid of subsidies for oil companies, fracking companies, ethanol companies, coal companies, nuclear companies and the like. We can get rid of subsidies for solar when we get rid of bailouts for banks. If we really want to talk about the government picking winners and losers than how is it possible that my uncle supported the bank bailouts?

The reason businesses are hesitant to expand is because of the uncertainty that the national debt brings with it, even though the dollar will be hurt if the debt continues to expand, it is better to have liquid assets and cash is always the most liquid. I've already talked about what they need to do to fix the deficit and it has to do with big spending cuts and tax increases, one of these things will not happen if a republican becomes president.

It is very dissonant, for me to be living in this house with their support when I have trouble with their political stances. (It took me a while to phrase that) I wish I was on my own, doing my own thing, making my own money, living my own life, then I would have more freedom to believe what I want and express those opinions. The truth is without them I would be, who knows, probably on a couch somewhere, back home, or worse and I do appreciate their help, so I try to be respectful.

Marc Maron, a comedian and podcaster is of the belief that if you are angry in your politics it probably comes from having anger and frustration in your life. I sort of explained in the last paragraph why I am feeling anger and frustration, more or less at being here and not somewhere else where I'd like to be. Maybe I am angry and frustrated that I have nothing going on today.

I used to smoke a lot of pot on Sunday. There is a lot of good stuff to watch on TV and it is also a good day to go out to eat. On Sundays, I used to just hang out with my roommates all day and be lazy, which like I said, is one of my favorite pastimes. I would buy some food or we would go out to eat and I also usually had improv practice, which is now also on hiatus. I would go play basketball up at the park by my house, we would play video games like Super Smash Bros or Mario Tennis, all stoned. Playing basketball stoned was especially fun for me, for some reason, it made me less competitive so I was having fun whether I was winning or losing, even making a basket was pretty impressive considering.

It doesn't sound like anything too crazy, but these were my favorite days, comfortable, hanging out with my friends in my domain. I could invite people over or I could saunter about town, hit up the farmer's market and go to a friend's. That doesn't happen anymore. Now I am here, alone in a guest room, writing to myself, even though there are people around, they are not my people. They do not understand or attempt to understand me. They talk about how this country is socialist while eating frittatas and planning their next vacation, while I sit there in silence, trying my best not to roll my eyes. I know my politics are not that liberal. When I take a survey I fall smack in the middle between liberal and conservative, leaning a little toward libertarian. This country is not socialist. Socialist countries try to take care of everyone, we only take care of those with money.

I may call up Kevin. He is certainly watching football and smoking pot at his apartment, unless he is out of town visiting his quasi-girlfriend. Even though I can't smoke, I don't mind being around it, it makes people not care about presenting themselves and I can fit into that pretty easily. Okay, time to shower and do something with my day. I also need to give my dad and Jen a call, now's as good a time as any.

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