Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Post

I've been spending the last couple months doing a lot of self-reflection and trying to figure out exactly what is going on with me. In August, I had a manic episode. I've had three of these so far, maybe on another day or days I will go into a description of what they were like.

The latest one had me attempting to drive to El Salvador to have a baby with an old friend with whom I had recently become romantically involved. I ended up turning around after getting pretty scared, driving in Mexico from Tijuana to Mexicali. The next morning I checked myself into UCLA Medical Center after hearing an add on the radio for people suffering from stroke and lower back degeneration, this wasn't my illness, but I thought maybe it was a clue that I should go there.

That's the short end of it. Today I am feeling good. I had a really great talk with my cognitive therapist/psychiatrist and she suggested I make this blog, I will go into some detail about my history with the illness, how I am coping with it, how it I am doing rebuilding my life and my relationships after the latest manic episode.

Right now I am feeling pissed off because I just read an article in Rolling Stone magazine about how tax cuts to the rich under the Bush administration added a TON to the deficit and basically ruined the country's middle class. 

I am about to go watch the debates, I can't take any of the Republican candidates seriously unless they have a plan to address the deficit, it doesn't count if they are only addressing discretionary spending, even if we cut every dollar or this it would not erase the deficit, it will have to be from the department of defense and from medicare, which no one, except Ron Paul is willing to touch. He is the only serious candidate in my opinion, I would consider voting for him even though I think raising taxes is a better idea.

Anyway, more later.

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