Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm watching Greenberg right now and seeing some parallels to my life.

#1. Lots of the locations are places I go or have been, the vet they go to is where I used to take Jimmy and Isobelle when I worked for Josh. He goes to see this girl sing at Silverlake Lounge, a bar by my old house.

#2. One of the main characters is a personal assistant.

#3. Greenberg has some mental issues. He used to be a musician but now just wants to do absolutely nothing or is trying to do nothing.

Greenberg isn't a very likable person. He is really self-absorbed and is kind of a schemer. I don't think he ever really does anything to be nice or to benefit others, he does stuff only for himself. He is outright mean to people, sometimes hiding his true feelings behind a cold demeanor.

I heard a lot of comparisons of Young Adult to Greenberg and I see the similarities. Both have extremely flawed and unlikeable protagonists. As the movie isn't over, I can't really say if Greenberg changes or not by the end.

This is true of Greenberg and Kristin Wig in Bridesmaids too, they have characters that make the mistake of pushing people away. Is this a normal thing that people too in general? I don't feel like I even have the opportunity to push someone away that wants to love me, but I certainly don't think I would, if I felt like they were the right person, which both of them seem to. That is one thing I can say I haven't done, push away the people I love.

Lately, I've been feeling inspired a lot by everything I have been watching and I think that is a good thing. Now I only wish I could be inspired a little more by real life and that is when everything will really start coming together and maybe I can finally start writing something. Right now I feel kind of like Greenberg, a musician who doesn't make music.

This weekend I am going to Vegas and am going to be spending a lot of time with my friends. Just the prospect of it makes me happy and excited, to know I am going to be around people and having fun all weekend long. I am going to try to be (relatively) good while I am there so I can look back on the weekend fondly rather than something to regret.

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